Proof that God exists

The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo at the Sistine chapel, Vatican city, Rome, Italy

In April 1966 Time Magazine had a cover story that posed the question: Is God Dead. It was the beginning of the “Cultural Revolution” that continues to this day. The rise of secularism, accompanied by moral decay in the culture tried to make God irrelevant in todays society. Without a Religious underpinning we can accept the “Moral Relativism” that the Left favors. Sexual promiscuity has led to abortion on demand right up to the moment of birth, and even after. The Media has long pushed the idea that without the need for God, our lives will be free and happy.

Of course, the exact opposite is true, as divorce rates increase, marriage rates drop, and out-of-wedlock births skyrocket. So, they say, there is no proof that God even exists, science can explain everything. Well God does exist and here is the proof:

Proof that God exists:

First we know there is SOMETHING rather than NOTHING even if that is reducible to “I only know that I exist.”

Second, where I exist there is element of TIME and the arrow of time moves only in one direction causing the unerasable signature of history.

Third, due to this element of time, there was a time when I did not exist. Also, as best we can determine there was a time when the universe, which began during the Planck epoch, did not exist.

Fourth, TIME began with the Planck epoch because TIME is an artifact of the motion and material of the universe which requires space and energy for its existence and without which TIME could not itself exist in a dimensionless state.

Fifth, the causality of our system must lie outside our system (3-dimensions + time), at a higher level of causality, since our system cannot cause itself.

Sixth, that higher level of causality cannot include TIME because time came into being with the Planck epoch and our system.

Seventh, that higher level of causality does not require time for its existence and therefore would appear eternal to those within our system and would not require a beginning or a creation or a creator because all those are time related concepts.

Eighth, that “higher level of causality” is God whose form is not understood by humans because we are creatures of our own system (3-dimensions + time). God is not so much eternal as God is timeless which is different. Humans, who require time, conceive of God as eternal because they cannot imagine a timeless state.

God’s form is likely utter simplicity because it requires neither space or time and may well be close to the answer given to Moses, “I am that I am.”