What Happened in Georgia

What Happened in Georgia
In Georgia, illegal ballots were cast by, or in the name of: more than 2,500 felons; 66,247 underage voters; 2,423 unregistered voters; 4,926 individuals who had failed to register prior to the state’s voter-registration deadline; 395 individuals who voted in two states; 20,311 voters who had moved out of state and thus were no longer eligible to vote in Georgia; 40,279 people who had moved across county lines in Georgia without re-registering in their new county of residence; 30,000 to 40,000 people whose absentee ballots lacked a valid, verifiable signature; and at least 1,043 individuals whose voter registrations claimed postal facilities as their home address and disguised their box numbers as “apartment” numbers.[29] Almost all of the people in this latter category were absentee voters who cast their ballots early.[30]

Nine individuals at various recount sites in Georgia issued sworn affidavits stating that they had seen large numbers of uncreased mail-in ballots – meaning that the ballots had not been folded and mailed in an envelope as required by law — almost all cast for Biden. As longtime poll manager Susan Voyles wrote in her affidavit: “It was pristine. There was a difference in the texture of the paper … There were no markings on the ballots to show where they had come from, or where they had been processed. I observed that the markings for the candidates on these ballots were unusually uniform, perhaps even with a ballot marking device. By my estimate in observing these ballots, approximately 98% constituted votes for Joseph Biden.” [31]

At least 96,600 absentee ballots in Georgia were requested and counted but were never recorded as having been returned by the voter to county election boards.[32] In a major Fulton County, Georgia polling place, surveillance cameras captured perhaps the most graphic video evidence of election fraud ever recorded. At about 10:30 PM on Election Night, poll workers and election observers were told that because of a water-main break inside the building, they were to go home for the night and not return until 8:30 the following morning, at which time all vote-counting – which was purportedly being suspended for the overnight hours — would resume.
By approximately 10:50 pm, everyone had left the facility except four Democrat poll workers who stayed behind. As soon as everyone else had gone home, these four individuals promptly pulled four large, wheeled cases out from under a long table whose floor-length black tablecloth had theretofore concealed them. The cases were filled with approximately 6,000 ballots apiece, and the four remaining poll workers proceeded to count them until about 1:00 a.m. – with no Republican observers on hand. Moreover, it was later confirmed that there had not been any water-main break in the building; that was a phony excuse designed to create a pretext for removing non-Democrat poll workers.[33]

A vote update in Georgia at 1:34 AM on November 4 added 136,155 votes for Biden and 29,115 votes for Trump.[34] According to Real Clear Investigations journalist Paul Sperry: “In the early hours of Nov. 5, a surge of some 20,000 mail-in votes suddenly appeared for Joe Biden, while approximately 1,000 votes for President Trump mysteriously disappeared from his own totals in the critical swing state [of Georgia].” [35]
Data expert Edward Solomon analyzed the 2020 election results in Georgia and found that approximately 200,000 votes had been transferred from Trump to Biden at the precinct level. [36]

[29] https://www.dailywire.com/…/trump-camps-georgia-lawsuit… (https://www.dailywire.com/…/trump-camps-georgia-lawsuit…); https://www.dailysignal.com/…/4-highlights-from…/ (https://www.dailysignal.com/…/4-highlights-fromgeorgia…/); https://www.theepochtimes.com/nevada-dmv-recordssuggest… (https://www.theepochtimes.com/nevada-dmv-records-suggest…); https://twitter.com/MattBraynard/status/1330578867690610694 (https://twitter.com/MattBraynard/status/1330578867690610694);https://www.theepochtimes.com/thousands-in-georgia… (https://www.theepochtimes.com/thousands-in-georgia…); https://www.courtlistener.com/…/gov.uscourts.gand… (https://www.courtlistener.com/…/gov.uscourts.gand…)
[30] https://www.theepochtimes.com/2020-election-investigation… (https://www.theepochtimes.com/2020-election-investigation…)
[31] https://justthenews.com/…/georgia-recount-witnesses… (https://justthenews.com/…/georgiarecount-witnesses…)
[32] https://www.theepochtimes.com/sidney-powell-lawsuit-in-georgia-alleging-massiveelection-fraud_3594227.html (https://www.theepochtimes.com/sidney-powell-lawsuit-ingeorgia-alleging-massive-election-fraud_3594227.html)
[33] https://www.breitbart.com/…/video-georgia-vote…/ (https://www.breitbart.com/…/videogeorgia-vote-counters…/);
https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/…/huge-caught…/ (https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/…/huge-caught…/); https://www.cbs46.com/…/article_8404e930-35e5-11eb-8ac3… (https://www.cbs46.com/…/article_8404e930-35e5-11eb-8ac3…); https://hannity.com/…/op-ed-in-georgia-unsigned…/ (https://hannity.com/…/op-ed-in-georgia-unsigned…/)
[34] https://www.lincolninstitute.org/pennsylvania-bombshell…/ (https://www.lincolninstitute.org/pennsylvania-bombshell…/)
[35] https://www.realclearinvestigations.com/…/probiden_bug… (https://www.realclearinvestigations.com/…/probiden_bug…)
[36] https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/12/breaking-expert-identies-200000-votes-nethi-jacked-trump-biden-georgia-precinct-level/ (https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/12/breaking-expert-identies-200000-votes-net-hijacked-trump-biden-georgia-precinct-level/)