What Happened in Multiple Battleground States

What Happened in Multiple Battleground States

In a study headed by Matt Braynard, the former data-and-strategy director for President Trump’s 2016 election campaign, researchers made phone calls to many thousands of registered Republican voters in Pennsylvania who, according to state data, had received mail-in ballots for the 2020 election. Of the 1,706 voters whom the researchers were able to contact, nearly one-third said they had never actually requested a ballot. Among the remaining 1,137 voters who said that they had in fact requested a ballot, were 453 (42%) who both: (a) reported that they had mailed their ballots back, and (b) were unaware of the fact that those ballots were never recorded as “received” or “counted” by the state. If the foregoing percentages are representative of what happened to the overall total of 165,412 Republican-requested mail-in ballots that were never tabulated by vote- counters, the implications are obviously enormous.[75]

In other states, Braynard found that the percentage of Republicans who likewise had requested ballots that were never subsequently recorded as having been “received” or “counted” by the state were: 50% in Arizona, 44% in Georgia, nearly 33% in Michigan, and 20% in Wisconsin.[76]

Braynard found 17,877 early or absentee ballots that were cast in Georgia in the names of people who had filled out-of-state move notices and thus were not eligible to vote in Georgia. The same was true of 7,426 ballots in Pennsylvania, 6,254 ballots in Wisconsin, 5,145 ballots in Nevada, 5,084 ballots in Arizona, and 1,688 ballots in Michigan.[77]

Records show that in Pennsylvania, some 98,000 people voted only for Joe Biden and did not vote for anyone further down the ticket. The corresponding numbers in other key states were approximately: 80,000 to 90,000 in Georgia, 42,000 in Arizona, 63,000 in Wisconsin, and 69,000 to 115,000 in Michigan.[78]

At least 19,997 people used mail-in ballots to vote illegally in Arizona after they had moved out of the state.[79]

According to an analysis by the research group Just Facts, it is likely that 234,570 noncitizen votes benefited Biden across seven closely contested battleground states: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania.[80] Previous research has found that 81% of noncitizens who vote, cast their ballots for Democrats.[81]

Prior to the election, a Pew Research Center survey reported that in those states where a Senate seat was up for grabs in 2020, “overwhelming shares of voters” who planned to back either Trump or Biden said that they also would be “supporting the same-party candidate for Senate…” Consistent with those survey results, in traditionally red and blue non-battleground states alike, the total number of votes garnered by Biden was only slightly higher than the number of votes received by the Democrat Senate candidates who were also on the ballot. Similarly, the total number of votes won by Trump was only a little bit higher than the number of votes received by the Republican Senate candidates who were also on the ballot.[82]

But in the battleground states, inexplicably, the gap between Biden and the Democrat Senate candidates was far greater than the gap between Trump and the Republican Senate candidates. In Michigan, for example, Biden received 69,093 more votes than did Democrat Senate candidate Gary Peters, while Trump received only 7,131 more votes than Republican Senate candidate John James. And in Georgia, Biden received 95,801 more votes than did Democrat Senate candidate Jon Osoff, while Trump received only 818 more votes than Republican Senate candidate David Perdue. This means that in battleground states, a large number of Democrats seem to have voted for Biden while mysteriously choosing to ignore the highly important Senate races.[83]

[75] https://www.theepochtimes.com/hundreds-of-gop-voters-say-they-returned-mail-in-ballots- state-data-says-they-didnt_3582853.html (https://www.theepochtimes.com/hundreds-of-gop- voters-say-they-returned-mail-in-ballots-state-data-says-they-didnt_3582853.html);
https://twitter.com/MattBraynard/status/1328539681965871104 (https://twitter.com/MattBraynard/status/1328539681965871104); https://twitter.com/MattBraynard/status/1329449463354695682 (https://twitter.com/MattBraynard/status/1329449463354695682)
[76] https://www.theepochtimes.com/thousands-in-georgia-registered-at-postal-commercial- addresses-portraying-them-as-residences-researcher-says_3592165.html (https://www.theepochtimes.com/thousands-in-georgia-registered-at-postal-commercial- addresses-portraying-them-as-residences-researcher-says_3592165.html); https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/18632787/6/4/wood-v-raffensperger/ (https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/18632787/6/4/wood-v-raffensperger/);
https://twitter.com/MattBraynard/status/1329449463354695682 (https://twitter.com/MattBraynard/status/1329449463354695682)
[77] https://www.theepochtimes.com/election-data-team-to-call-1-25-million-voters-over- anomalies-in-6-contested-states_3578114.html (https://www.theepochtimes.com/election-data- team-to-call-1-25-million-voters-over-anomalies-in-6-contested-states_3578114.html); https://www.theepochtimes.com/hundreds-of-gop-voters-say-they-returned-mail-in-ballots-state- data-says-they-didnt_3582853.html (https://www.theepochtimes.com/hundreds-of-gop-voters-say-they-returned-mail-in-ballots-state-data-says-they-didnt_3582853.html)

[78] https://twitter.com/RaheemKassam/status/1325193658170134531 (https://twitter.com/RaheemKassam/status/1325193658170134531)

[79] https://www.theepochtimes.com/2020-election-investigation-who-is-stealing-america_3617562.html (https://www.theepochtimes.com/2020-election-investigation-who-is- stealing-america_3617562.html)

[80] https://www.dailysignal.com/2020/11/24/illegal-votes-from-noncitizens-likely-affected-the- 2020-election-study-says/ (https://www.dailysignal.com/2020/11/24/illegal-votes-from- noncitizens-likely-affected-the-2020-election-study-says/)

[81] https://www.dailysignal.com/2016/11/28/more-than-800000-noncitizens-could-have-voted- in-2016-election-experts-say/ (https://www.dailysignal.com/2016/11/28/more-than-800000- noncitizens-could-have-voted-in-2016-election-experts-say/)

[82] https://www.theepochtimes.com/2020-election-investigation-who-is-stealing- america_3617562.html (https://www.theepochtimes.com/2020-election-investigation-who-is- stealing-america_3617562.html)
[83] Ibid.