What Happened in Nevada

What Happened in Nevada

In Nevada, 42,284 people are on record as having voted twice in 2020. Moreover, ballots were cast in the names of approximately 20,000 individuals without a Nevada mailing address; 2,468 people who had moved to another state and thus were ineligible to vote in Nevada; 1,500 people who were dead; almost 4,000 non-citizens; and nearly 30,000 people who falsely listed non-residential, vacant, or non-existent addresses as their home addresses.[71]

On December 16, Trump campaign attorney Jesse Banal testified to the U.S. Senate: “All in all, our experts identified 130,000 unique instances of voter fraud in Nevada. But the actual number is almost certainly higher. Our data scientists made these calculations not by estimations or statistical sampling, but by analyzing and comparing the list of actual voters with other lists, most of which are publicly available…” [72]

Also, in his Senate testimony, Banal explained how this widespread fraud had initially come to pass in Nevada:
“On August 3rd, 2020 after a rushed special session, Nevada legislators made drastic changes to the state’s election law by adopting a bill known as AB-4. The vulnerabilities of this statute were obvious. It provided for universal mail voting without sufficient safeguards to authenticate voters or ensure the fundamental requirement that only one ballot was sent to each legally qualified voter. This was aggravated by election officials’ failure to clean known deficiencies in their voter rolls. Because of AB-4, the number of mail ballots rocketed from about 70,000 in 2016 to over 690,000 this year. The election was inevitably riddled with fraud, and our hotline never stopped ringing….” [73]

Data scientist Dorothy Morgan reports that in the Third Congressional District of Nevada alone, there were 13,372 incomplete and fraudulent voter registrations submitted in 2020, as compared to a mere 68 in 2016. Many of these phony registrations listed casinos or temporary RV parks as the voters’ “home or mailing addresses….” Fully 74% of the fraudulent registrations of 2020 took place between July and September.[74]

[71] https://thefederalist.com/2020/12/03/trump-lawyers-claim-widespread-election-fraud-innevada-and-theyre-about-to-have-their-day-in-court/ (https://thefederalist.com/2020/12/03/trump-lawyers-claim-widespread-election-fraud-in-

nevada-and-theyre-about-to-have-their-day-in-court/); https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump- lawyers-claim-40000-double-votes-in-latest-nevada-lawsuit (https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-lawyers-claim-40000-double-votes-in-latest-nevada- lawsuit); https://www.rev.com/blog/transcripts/fired-election-official-chris-krebs-senate- testimony-on-2020-election-security-transcript (https://www.rev.com/blog/transcripts/fired- election-official-chris-krebs-senate-testimony-on-2020-election-security-transcript)

[72] https://www.rev.com/blog/transcripts/fired-election-official-chris-krebs-senate-testimony-on- 2020-election-security-transcript (https://www.rev.com/blog/transcripts/fired-election-official- chris-krebs-senate-testimony-on-2020-election-security-transcript)
[73] Ibid.
[74] https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/washington-secrets/historically-strange-spike-in-
