What Happened in Wisconsin

What Happened in Wisconsin
A vote update in Wisconsin at 3:42 AM on November 4 added 143,379 votes for Biden and 25,163
votes for Trump.[65]

At least 26,673 people used mail-in ballots to vote illegally in Wisconsin after they had moved out of the state.[66]

Postal subcontractor Nathan Pease has testified that he was told by two separate postal workers, on two separate occasions, that the USPS in Wisconsin was preparing to backdate more than 100,000 late-arriving ballots on the morning of November 4, to make it look like they had arrived prior to the statutory deadline.[67]

According to election data in Wisconsin, approximately 49,000 people voted for a Republican House candidate down ballot but purportedly chose not to vote for Trump at the top of the ticket. [68]

State data show a voter-turnout rate in Wisconsin of 88%, an implausibly high number.[69]

James Troupis, the lead attorney for the Trump campaign in Wisconsin, testified as follows to the U.S. Senate on December 16 vis-à-vis the many scores of thousands of illegally cast ballots that had been approved and counted in that state:
“In Wisconsin, we just completed a recount…. Uniquely, we are able to examine actual envelopes that contain the ballots that are submitted by absentee voters. This allowed us to identify by person, by address, by ward. It’s not conspiracy. The real names are in the record. And here’s what we found. We found that there were incomplete and altered certificates. These are the certificates on the front of the envelopes that have to be exactly done correctly under our law. If not, those results may not be counted [in the election]. How many of those? More than 3,000 of those identified by person were nonetheless counted, even though they are clearly invalid under the law.

“A second category, initials of clerks are placed on all of those envelopes. Why? Because the clerk identifies it having been properly received and identification is provided. That’s the check in advance of the election. What did we find? More than 2,000 of those ballots in Dane and Milwaukee County had no initials at all. But nonetheless, they got counted.

“We also have special laws in Wisconsin with regard to voting in advance. We do not allow advanced voting. We allow in-person and other voting as absentee. So, anything before election day is under our absentee rules. What did the city of Madison do? They created a system where people could arrive at a park, hand in their ballots in envelopes five weeks before the election. They also created boxes. No controls at all. Just boxes on corners that you could throw the ballot in. No attempt at all. And our statutes explicitly say there are only two ways to submit an absentee ballot. In person or delivery to the clerk’s office. That’s it. Nothing else is allowed. And yet have the city of Madison, we had … 17,271 ballots in this category that we identify. There are tens of thousands more because they co-mingled the ballots afterwards so we couldn’t identify each one that may have been properly cast.

“Then we have an interesting category called ‘indefinitely confined…’ These are people who [cannot vote in person because of their] age, physical illness or infirmity, or [disability]. So, they don’t have to provide any identification. Among those claiming this status is one of the electors for Joe Biden, who said, ‘I can’t get to the polls…’ We have poll workers who claimed it. We have people who went to protests, people who had weddings, people who had vacations, all claimed this status. ‘I can’t get to the polls…’ So, they were able to vote without identification.
There were 28,395 people we explicitly identified [in this category].
“Finally, there are other categories in which as much as 170,000 other ballots were submitted without any application. In fact, they considered the certification envelope the application, though a separate application is required by law. Three million people properly voted in the state of Wisconsin. More than 200,000 identified during this recount did not. But those votes got counted, and our statute says they should not have been.” [70]

[65] https://www.lincolninstitute.org/pennsylvania-bombshell-biden-99-4-vs-trump-0-6/ (https://www.lincolninstitute.org/pennsylvania-bombshell-biden-99-4-vs-trump-0-6/); https://www.theepochtimes.com/2020-election-investigation-who-is-stealingamerica_3617562.html (https://www.theepochtimes.com/2020-election-investigation-who-isstealing-america_3617562.html)

[66] https://www.theepochtimes.com/2020-election-investigation-who-is-stealingamerica_3617562.html (https://www.theepochtimes.com/2020-election-investigation-who-isstealing-america_3617562.html)

[67] https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/washington-secrets/whistleblowers-post-office-labeled-trump-mail-undeliverable-388-000-ballots-backdated-disappear (https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/washington-secrets/whistleblowers-post-office-labeled-trump-mail-undeliverable-388-000-ballots-backdated-disappear)

[68] https://twitter.com/justin_hart/status/1324461534601383936 (https://twitter.com/justin_hart/status/1324461534601383936)

[69] https://fox40.com/news/your-local-election-headquarters/false-claims-of-wisconsin-voterfraud-rely-on-wrong-numbers/ (https://fox40.com/news/your-local-election-headquarters/falseclaims-of-wisconsin-voter-fraud-rely-on-wrong-numbers/)

[70] https://www.rev.com/blog/transcripts/fired-election-official-chris-krebs-senate-testimony-on-2020-election-security-transcript (https://www.rev.com/blog/transcripts/fired-election-official-chris-krebs-senate-testimony-on-2020-election-security-transcript)